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Discover The Benefits and Uses of European Green Clay

Writer's picture: Sarah McMahonSarah McMahon

Updated: Jan 22

French green clay.

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If you've never heard of European green clay, get ready to be amazed. European green clay is highly absorbent and is great for stimulating, toning, and cleansing your skin, but there's much more to this clay than just that.

What Is European Green Clay?

Pure European green clay (also known as French green clay) is a chalky light green color that darkens when water is added to create a paste. Made from centuries of decomposing plant matter and volcanic ash, European green clay is primarily found in France and around Europe. European green clay contains important trace minerals such as calcium, potassium, manganese, phosphorus, copper, dolomite, magnesium, selenium, and silica. Be careful where you purchase European green clay because there are artificial additives in some brands. We highly recommend NOW's European green clay for it's purity.

Tip: Don't buy pre-mixed clay products. They aren't as effective and they're mainly water. Always purchase powder and mix in water as needed.

French green clay.


 • Acne

 • Scars/Keloids

 • Cuts/Scrapes

 • Arthritis

 • Swollen Joints

 • Tumors/Cysts/Fibroids

 • Eczema/Psoriasis

 • Toenail Fungus

 • Ulcers

 • Poison Ivy/Oak/Sumac

 • Chicken Pox

 • Athlete’s Foot

 • Gum or Tooth Disease

 • Poisonous Spider, Snake Bites, and Stings

 • Sprains and Strains

 • Tunneling Wounds



I first discovered European green clay a few years ago, and I'm so thankful. One of my favorite benefits of European green clay is it's highly absorbent. It's amazing for blemishes because it removes impurities and helps shrink your pores. Not only can you mix it with water to make a mask, but you can also mix just a tiny bit and put it on blemishes to help decrease their size. It seriously works! If I feel like I'm about to break out, I make a mask and it helps so much.

Note: Don't leave a European green clay mask on after it has completely dried. If you leave it on too long after drying it can stimulate your skin too much and irritate it. I advise you play around with the consistency and length of time because we're all different, but it definitely can dry my skin out (even though I'm primarily oily) if I leave it on too long.

Bug Bites

Since European green clay is an absorbent, it can aid in drawing out poisons from bug bites. I recently experienced a spider bite on my right hand. I woke up with a red swollen hand, and I immediately remembered reading about using clay to extract poisons from bug bites. I looked it up again, and then applied a paste of water and European green clay. I let it dry, and I repeated this two times that day, and again the next day. After the first application, I could notice a difference and it didn't hurt as badly as it had initially. Within 3 days my hand was back to normal and didn't hurt anymore.

Radiation Exposure

After the nuclear meltdown in Chernobyl, the Soviets purchased European green clay from France and dumped tons of it on the radioactive site. They also mixed it into chocolate bars they handed out to citizens affected by the meltdown.

*Disclaimer: The below information is a personal experience. If you choose to ingest pure green clay, you are doing so at your own risk and this blog and the writer of this post are not liable for your personal decisions. The purpose of this information is purely a personal experience and view. Our content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

Internal Ingestion

OK, now that we got that liability stuff out of the way, let me share some information and my personal experience with ingesting European green clay. Europeans have been ingesting this clay for centuries, but it's not widely advised here in the United States. When you ingest this clay, it travels through your body to your digestive system, and is great at detoxing anything intrusive in your system.


 • Heavy Metal Toxicity

 • Heartburn

 • Radiation Exposure

 • Stomach Viruses

 • Ulcers

 • Irritability/Depression

 • Anemia

 • Toxicity - Chemicals or Poisons

 • Constipation/Diarrhea

 • Mineral Deficiencies

 • Parasites

 • Acid Reflux

 • Intestinal Issues

 • Crohn’s Disease/Colitis

 • pH Imbalance

 • Irritable Bowel Syndrome

All I do is add about a teaspoon of the NOW European Green Clay to tea, stir it up, and then consume the mixture. Yes, it tastes like tea with clay mixed in, but it's effective. I don't do this often, only if I'm feeling a bit sluggish or if I'm having stomach or digestive issues, but it definitely does help me. In addition to detoxing, this clay can be helpful in cases of poisoning. If you think you've been poisoned you can ingest some to help mitigate the situation, then get to the emergency room.

Tip: When mixing green clay, use a wooden or glass spoon. Also, store in a glass or ceramic container. It is speculated that the clay looses its electromagnetic qualities when in contact with metal.

French green clay.

I'm so grateful I found European green clay, and I hope this post has inspired you to do more research on this miracle clay.


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