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Metaphysical: Quartz crystal is the most versatile crystal. Quartz is an amplifying crystal that enhances energies and increases intention. Known as a master healer, quartz aids in healing any ailment. Other crystals might be more specific to an issue, but quartz is always a helpful option. Quartz is wonderful for raising one’s consciousness as it purifies and enhances any form of energy. It also helps you attune to your higher self and it's helpful in breaking through limitations.
Quartz enhances the power of other stones by simply being around them. It’s also a programmable mineral, meaning you can set intentions with quartz and it will aid in amplifying those intentions.
Various spiritual civilizations have been utilizing the beautiful energies of quartz for centuries and to this day it is a favorite among crystal enthusiasts.
Origins: Worldwide - Africa, Australia, Brazil, Kenya, Madagascar, India, Tibet, Pakistan, USA, China, Columbia, Russia, South Africa
Composition: SiO2, Silicon Dioxide
Hardness: 7
Crystal System: Trigonal
Spiritual: Increases Intention, Amplifies Energy, Focuses the Mind, Dispels Negativity, Aids in Meditation, Channels Energy, Raises Consciousness, Healing, Higher Self Connection, Releases Energy, Protection, Relieves Pain, Restores Energy, Clears Mental Blocks
Chakra: All Chakra